Veronica - 2017
Nine Silkscreen on digital print 100X60
The Silk screens are of three faces of women that were murdered in Israel by their families (Jewish, Christian, Muslim), the so called “honour crimes”.
The digital prints are verses of the Bible (In Hebrew), the New Testament (in Greek) and the Koran (in Arabic). All verses have the same theme, gender (in)equality that exists in the three religious books. Each women’s face is printed on the three religious texts to imply that this type of abuse makes no difference in which religion you belong.
Nine Silkscreen on digital print 100X60
The Silk screens are of three faces of women that were murdered in Israel by their families (Jewish, Christian, Muslim), the so called “honour crimes”.
The digital prints are verses of the Bible (In Hebrew), the New Testament (in Greek) and the Koran (in Arabic). All verses have the same theme, gender (in)equality that exists in the three religious books. Each women’s face is printed on the three religious texts to imply that this type of abuse makes no difference in which religion you belong.
Nueve serigrafías sobre impresión digital 100X60
Impresión de tres caras de mujeres asecinadas en Israel (judia, cristiana y musulmana) sobre versos (impresos digitales sobre papel) conectados con el tema de la mujer y la (des)igualdad que existe en los tres libros religiosos, la Biblia (en hebreo), el Nuevo Testamento (en griego) y el Corán (en árabe). Se refiere a hechos reales y mujeres reales que en Israel fueron asesinadas en nombre del “honor”. Cada cara está colocada en los tres textos para mostrar que no hay diferencia de que religión eres en éste tipo de abuso.